
By ApeMcDoug10


Whenever Leah and I are in the same OMM group, we're usually partners... and awesome partners at that!

I met Leah back in the Medsci program a few years ago... gah, that's so weird... it does not feel like it has been a few years, but it has!

I got to know her a lot better in med school! Shes a pretty cool kid ;) I can't believe we are in our second semester of 2nd year. I know it's no big deal to most, but you see, after this semester it all just goes downhill... It'll be so much more fun being in the hospital than a lecture hall.

PS: OMM isn't as strange as I thought it would be when I first started at TCOM. So, if you don't like to take pills for everything, especially pain meds (which are ubber bad for the kidneys), and need some pain relief/augmentation of systems, go see a DO!


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