PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Garden Pig

Not much else to say really. This little pig and his mother have been hanging around near our bungalows for the last week or so now. This is only the second time I've seen him though. Today they were snuffling around in the wet and muddy garden leaf litter near the canteen - its good weather for pigs at the moment!

In other exciting news... It's only 40 days til I touch down in Oz and see T. again! Looking forward to a few days in the 'big smoke' (Melbourne!) before zipping over to Adealaide (blip meeting with Paladian and Rower!) and then heading up to Alice and my much missed fur kid Bonnie.

Also booked flights to Bangkok for four days over TET (Vietnamese Lunar New Year) in February - I'm going to visit my friends and their elephants at elephantstay. Where you can participate in a program that helps take care of old and retired elephants in Thailand :)

And.... have decided upon Namibia as my African destination for later in the year! So much to look forward to :)

Thank you for all the wonderful congratulations on our centre being saved - it is truly the best news I've since we were given the eviction notice. Now I can continue to bring you wonderful bear shots for the next year and a half to come :)

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