The View from the Lookout

I have often taken this shot but always feel so nervous about posting it.....I never felt it was good enough. It's still not landscapes still need lots of work but this is what I had today.....I wonder if I could ever take a shot to do this view justice.
The view from the lookout is really amazing and except for some very inappropriate tree planting one can see all the way north to Pottsville and south to Byron Bay.

What I like about this though........ is a birds eye view of Brunswick Heads and some of the waterways that you have got to know quite well through my earlier blips.

The rocks in the ocean are called Julian Rocks and I believe that sharks like to party around there. Over to the right of the frame you can see the tops of a very poor excuse for a 'Fun Fair' .....a very sad state of affairs except I heard the Bingo tent goes off.

The bridge in the far distance is the walking bridge from which I have taken many a blip and the beach where the Kat is moored is where I took my 365th blip.

All in all a bit of useless's late's been a big day and the animals still haven't been fed.

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