
3years 89days

In a (temporary, I suspect) break from the Katie's Snow Fun blips series, today we have Katie in the other white stuff that she loves. Her bath bubbles. The forecast is ominous to say the least, the south of us has it already. So we're having a slight change for today's photo. I just love her little curls.

She slept well last night - she woke briefly at 1030, before going back to sleep until 630. When she woke, she had a bit of time with the iPad. She was watching an episode of Dora the Explorer. It asked "whats your favourite thing to do in the summer". She told it "playing on the beach with my grandad". My heart melted.

I decided its too snowy/icy on the cycle paths still to get to gymnastics this morning, so I took her out on the sledge this morning. She shrieked with delight down the hills again, and laughed as I ran fast along the paths. She went happily in to nursery, chatting to her room leader as she sat at the table for breakfast. I got lots of lovely kisses and cuddles before I went.


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