Morning tea II
I quite often do this...find a greetings card I like and pop it into a frame to hang on the wall. This card was spotted in the gift shop at Watts Gallery, although I have still never been into the actual gallery yet (oops), and I ordered the frame from eBay. Anyway, I like it because it reminds me This looks like Mr A bringing me a cup of tea in bed. How sweet is that? Lately, I even get "breakfast" in bed with the addition of a square of my homemade flapjack on the side. Then a leisurely half hour in bed to read my book. Heavenly!
Well, since my redundancy in January 2018, I have been blissfuly LOL - in my case not Laugh Out Loud or even Lots Of Love, but a Lady Of Leisure. I still feel a little guilty about not being at work, although during the dark winter months it has been a complete blessing. Two years in a row when I haven't succumbed to dreadful overwhelming sadness at the approaching autumn and icy winters. So the fact that I no longer get saddened by the falling leaves or have to skid down the hill on an icy wintry morning to get to work has been completely wonderful and for that I am eternally grateful. It's amazing that something so simple can have such an impact, eh?
Thought for the day:
"The majority of people feel they must be doing something all the time. Many who sit all day in an office or clean the house or work in a factory think that if they sit down at a sidewalk café and fold their arms and look at people, they are merely wasting time. They are wrong. In watching people and enjoying life, they may only then be truly alive." (Musician Artur Rubinstein)
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