I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Taking the hint!

No snow here, just beautiful winter sunshine. I decided to pick up my camera as I left the house to drive "E" to school. Lets see where the day takes me.
I ended up at Mugdock Country Park and had a baltic brisk walk in the frosty surroundings. I've taken loads of shots today and had a wee play with shutter speeds and lighting and was content with my efforts. I headed to the coffee shop for a well earned hot chocolate to take away, as I headed to the car I became aware of a flurry on the wall, someone had fed the birds and it was like lunchtime in the school dinning room. This cheeky chappie seemed to like his picture being taken as everytime I moved away for a different shot he bounced into view and stared at the lens......a real poser, so today your not getting one of my "spectacular "views, but this cheeky robin.......I took the hint!

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