
By LifeLines


I have caught a virus so its not been the week I had expected of getting back into the swing of work. Instead since Wednesday I have been resting trying to feel better.  I've been trying to do some work from home and to monitor my emails so things don't pile up.  However, there has been no dog training (Andy went with Merlin though) nor any yoga.  I suspect I caught this when visiting family on Boxing Day as many of them seemed ill or have subsequently become ill.  Poor Dad has been barely well enough to get away on a long awaited holiday.

Anyway, today I managed a short walk to the allotment.  The sun was out and it was clear and such a joy to be in the fresh air.  Equally as good were the signs of spring - the rhubarb is growing, along with the spinach and Swiss chard and onions, and there are catkins filled with pollen on the birch trees.  A boost to the spirits of many I am sure.  

These beautifully coloured leaves have been catching my eye each time I visit the allotment.  They are on the blackberry/raspberry cross (I think) which I inherited on my plot.  I've yet to get any fruit from it but I am hoping this will be the year when I first get some (on last year's growth).

Hoping this finds you all well.  My best wishes and apologies for my lack of commenting.

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