
By LifeLines

Mr Innocent

Its been a good but busy week.  Last weekend I was well enough, thankfully, to get to the first two days of a course that I am starting.  It is on human anatomy and physiology.  It felt like a breath of fresh air to begin to learn something completely new and will hopefully lead to some more studies and good things.  

Dog training went well on Tuesday, Merlin managed all his commands well. However through the week he has given us a few little incidents we could have done without - first rolling in something very smelly (I will spare you the detail) and needing to be washed down along with his collar and anyone who had touched him, then when Andy was out doing the food shopping, Merlin took the (full to the brim) compost bucket from the sideboard, transported it to his bed and spilled the entire contents into it leaving a disgusting mess. Andy then needed to wash his bed and all his blankets.  Both happened on the same day so needless to say, Andy was pretty fed up with him!   So, here is Merlin pulling, 'I couldn't possibly do anything wrong, please let me sit with you in the living room' face.

Hoping this finds you all well and wishing you a happy Friday evening.

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