Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Blue sky day

Good day out with the dogs.

Lunge session with Jack afterwards. I lunged him over poles in a circle. I only roughly spaced them out so he had to think and pick up his feet. He did really well. So I decided to put a little cross pole up. He was off the lunge line whilst I put it up so decided to try and free school over it. Not happening so I led him over it. He bashed the poles with his back legs, freaked out then b*ggered off round the school. Trying to do loads of work like this with him so he realises it's no biggy if he bashes a pole. 10 mins later I was still trying to catch him (and had an audience). He'd got 'that' look in his eye. If he had a middle finger to stick up at me, he would have done!!

Reinforcement arrived with a bucket of pony nuts and Bex managed to catch him whilst I pretended I had left! Once I got him back on the lunge line I decided I couldn't just leave it there so I put the jump down, and led him over it a couple of times. He took some persuading as he had really scared himself. We did it lots of times, then I moved away from him and he started rushing at it in canter but we kept trying and by the end was trotting over it nicely. Result! Eventually!

So I was home from work late. Eva had already gone to Irish dancing and Tobes was on the laptop working on his novel (still on page 2). Chicken pie for tea. M off work today with a cough ;0)

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