Life In Wales

By KarenC

A Quiet Day

We’ve had a relatively quiet day today, I’m still aching so decided to take it easy, although I did pop to the marina to meet Jen for a hot chocolate and a catch up. Jen is a physio that I used to work with, and like Judit she said that everything’s still repairing itself but also said it could be as long as 9 months until a full recovery!

I popped into Asda to pick up some shopping before heading home. Alan in the meantime has been measuring up Bertie :-)

As for my blip, it’s a mural near the marina painted by Glimmertwin32, I’ve featured some of his work before.

Ibby messaged me earlier, he’d just returned on a flight from Singapore and he said it’s rained so much in Dubai that it took him 5 hours to get from the airport to home! It sounds a bit like here when it snows!

Anyway, hope you’re having a good weekend.

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