
This is for my Mum - The Boy bought this with his Christmas money and she wanted to know what it was like!

We were up early today to drop him off at his first Ten Tor’s training weekend. He’s walking (hopefully) with a completely new group and went not knowing if he’s know any of the others. Photo updates suggest he’s taking it in his stride though!

On to a very nice breakfast at Stones Bakery for MrRoly and I before visiting a kitchen designer to discuss plans and book as appointment. Exciting times.

Home to do a Guiding DBS application then a load of Scout admin/e-learning. A quiet evening followed with Princess away at a sleepover and Eldest our in the town.

An early night as I’m on 55 Team transport duty and need to be at their campsite for 6.45am. I hope the weather improves a bit for them - it’s wild out there.

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