Picture Consequences

By consequences


Prrr prrr ...

"Hello? What? No thanks, no."

Prrr prrr ...

"Mr Jonhstone? Oh, they moved out - let me see - about 6 months ago. What? Well, I'm sure if they'd wanted you to have their new number, then they'd have given it to you."

Prrr prrr ...

"Sorry? No, never heard of you. I'm not interested, thanks."

Prrr prrr ...

"Look, like I told the last idiot who celled me, I AM NOT INTERESTED. Can you not get that into your thick skulls?"

Prrr prrr ...

"No, goodbye."

Prrr prrr ...

"I'm sorry. My wife is dead. She has been for some time now. Please don't call me again."

Prrr prrr ...

"Not interested, thanks."

After a couple of hours, frankly neither was I.

Story begins here.

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