School of Electronic Music

Today I drove Milly back to Lincoln in preparation for the new term and then, on my way back north, swung into Salford to visit the School of Electronic Music for a guided tour by one of the tutors, Jan. 

He was a nice guy and we spent some time just chatting about the course and why I was interested, which naturally led on to talking about electronic music generally. I guess he was in his mid-twenties, so it was a little weird to have him talking about events and release that, to him, were in the past but for which I was there.

After that we looked around the classrooms and studios, which was actually little daunting, but by the time I was walking back to the car my enthusiasm had returned. The only downside is that I think I'm going to have to wait until April to start and patience is not my strong suit!

Here's the outside of the school. Some you will recognise the serendipity of the appearance of traffic cone just outside, which I took as a sign :-)

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Reading: 'Plan For Chaos' by John Wyndham.

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