
By seddon

On the carrs

Mummy was very happy with me last night, apart from waking briefly at 4am (where mummy kicked daddy out of bed to see if he went in to settle me I would go back to sleep without demanding a feed - I did) I slept all night till 7.30am. Mummy is hoping this becomes more frequent, because when she goes back to work it will be much easier if I'm not walking for feeds overnight.
We got up, had breakfast and played some games with Thomas before getting ready for his swimming lesson.
Auntie Rie came to meet us at swimming to bring Thomas's hat and mummy some pennies from ice skating last week. I had some cuddles with her whilst waving at Thomas's in the pool!
Afterwards we went to nannie and grandpa's house for lunch. Today has been really dark and miserable with quite a bit of rain, but we managed to get out for a walk to gatley carrs in between the worst of the weather. It would have been way too muddy for my buggy and mummy didn't have the carrier with us, so between mummy, daddy and grandpa I was carried around. Thomas and uncle Joe played lots of football in between muddy puddles and Lennox the dog (who I spent all day calling 'cat') did some running around. We walked around to the pond and fed the ducks, including 2 huge swans who scared nannie and Thomas by walking right up to them!
Back to nannie and grandpa's for tea then home to bed ready for daddys first day of his new job tomorrow!!

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