
By Cumbrialass

Battening down the hatches,

Storm Brendan has arrived! Dark at 2:15! 
It was quite windy this morning when we took Fletch out for his walk but not too bad. It soon developed into gale force once we got back

I nipped into Aldi to see if I could get him some turkey as I didnt want to get the car out to drive to Tesco as our gates aren't easy to secure in strong winds.
I'd already got some pouches from Pets at Home as standby so opened one of those.. it actuall smells of turkey and hes eaten it... I hope it agrees with him!

 Hes now in hibernation mode... and I dont blame him.  Its wet and very very windy . Apart from dashing out to move the bonsai to safe places I haven't been out.  

I'm hoping the forecast that Wednesday is ok is correct.. we re already feeling stir crazy! 

So, my blip today is a bit of our 'Christmas rose,'  which is in the conservatory ( not so much a conservatory but a long open corridor at the back of the house that we added a glass roof to make it weather proof.) The plant is now about 6 ft across. It s finally started to flower. I'll add another blip when it's in full flower . I've had it about 25 years and like Topsy it just grew and grew!

For those who are in the path of Brendan I hope you stay warm and dry .

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