What A Lovely Day

I opened the curtains to this nice sky.
I was expecting a load of snow - after all, the world was going to end under a few feet of it today according to the weathermen.

Dropped in at Bags this morning after being out to get asprin and the paper.
There was lots of bouncing - from both kids - and book reading.
The Cygnet does enjoy a good book or three.

This afternoon because the weather was still looking good we took the wee chap to South Queensferry.
He wanted to see "The Bridge" and the trains.
We were actually going to buy him a kilt for No1 sons wedding.
He wasn't keen on trying it on because he thought he was going to miss a train on the bridge ...... so the kind man in the shop phoned the train driver and asked him to wait at the station for 5 minutes.
That worked!
We were even lucky enough to get one that is the same tartan as his uncle will be wearing.

After a brief walk along the front (it was flaming perishing) it was over the road for a hot drink and some cake.
The candle on the mantlepiece would appear to have been replaced a few times.
The printer who made the poster on the wall would appear to have made up - or discovered - a new number.
The shop attached to the restaraunt sells a picture of the road bridge taken the night it opened. One day I will get a copy of it because it includes my parents car making the crossing (the queues were too long to make the return journey and they had to come back via the Kincardine Bridge) - but I refuse to pay the over inflated price in there.

When we came out of the place the Cygnet was so busy looking for a train he missed his footing and went base over apex down the 3 steps coming to rest on his forehead.

He was not a happy chap.

But the screaming soon stopped when the next train came over the bridge.
But we didn't hang about because the clouds on the other side of the river were obviously full of snow and managing to drop a few flakes on us (it didn't come to anything though and the clouds didn't cross over)

My panorama made from 7 shots very nearly made it as my blip for the day - but I don't think it would have made for a good thumbnail.

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