Life through the lens...

By ValC

Keeping out of the cold!

Our Bossy Blackbird was hiding under the garden table this afternoon, feathers all fluffed out, trying to keep warm!
She stayed there for about an hour before flying off. Wonder where she spends the night?

Bitterly cold today, although very little snow has fallen, and the temp. reached 1c.
The wind made it seem colder.

Went to do the usual shopping.
Our local farm is finding it hard to dig up the vegetables, and all the pipes are frozen so they are having to take buckets of water to the animals.

The young rare breed pigs were all huddled together at the back of the shelter to keep warm. Apparently they fight to get to the the bottom of the pile!(The warmest place!)

Saturday again tomorrow. Hope you all have a good weekend.
Keep warm and snug whatever the weather! Or wrap up well if you are out and about!

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