
By Cumbrialass

"Blue skies, nothing but blue skies do I see"

As the song goes... so lovely to get out without it raining.
Fletch woke once.. to drink water and then slept on.. phew!
He sat by his bowl ready for breakfast and touch wood.. he is ok . Fingers are still crossed. 

So, we went off for one of his favourite walks.. the abbey. The sun was shining Yay! Blue skies and no wind. 
My photo book arrived! Only one disappointment.. accidentally  clicked on the wrong photo.. took one after the other and one wasnt in focus.  Why didnt I delete it!  Otherwise , pleased with the first attempt.  Note to self: next  time choose the photos in broad daylight and scrutinise carefully.

On the vegan trial.. The ones I have had have been tasty.. but tonight the one Mike had chosen was apparently  inedible.  Ah well Plan B  beans on toast!

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