
After a morning of putting together the photographic yearbook from 15/16 (the SK being elsewhere steaming herself with her sister) I headed out to meet up with then daughter for a long overdue catch up. So off we strolled to the Nice Times bakery where indeed we had a nice time. Though it was freezing cold. On the onward perambulation she told me how much she's enjoying being pregnant, like really enjoying it. I know for some people you never are quite an adult in your parents’ eyes unless you produce a wean, and perhaps she is feeling more of that adult person. I was telling her that Suzanne Moore had written recently that she often mused on what wonderful things she could have accomplished if kids hadn’t got in the way before admitting that was absolute nonsense; she’d have accomplished absolutely zilch. In fact she needed the kids to give her life a structure. So I bade her farewell at Hanover Street and strolled on to take in some photos at the Portrait Gallery.
Later of course, I braved the cold winds again to head to the Digdogs where we were soon ensconced in the snug corner talking our usual ribald nonsense. I blame Gwyneth Paltrow for that. Did you know that Juliette Binoche was once seen in Bennetts? Every time I go in there I only see Jim Whatsisname sitting at the end of bar. Bah.

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