
By MumOf4Wildlings

All about cake .

I decorated the rest of these cupcakes this morning. I needed to relax. I find most mornings can be a little stressful and it all stems from Xander and his autism. What I think has worked one day just doesn't work the next !! I'm organised getting everyone fed and dressed and even throwing in a baby wildling is fine. But it can take two hours for X to eat and get dressed . That stresses me a little as I don't like being late. They need to be in the car for a certain time etc.
So when they left for school and nursery I sat and had a hot coffee and I didn't feel guilty about sitting on my behind for half an hour.
When Mr R and I met I was so relaxed and laid back and didn't let anything bother me. Now I feel like a dragon.

X has done his second full day of school. Which I'm super proud of.
This afternoon was really quite relaxed with the younger three. We played, we had coffee with the grandparents and I did some household things. And I've had more than one cupcake. Ha. I start back at slimming world in a couple of weeks.

This weather is wild again which means we've been stuck indoors which I don't like. Tomorrow I shall be out and about.

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