
This is literally Attila the building, formerly a shoe factory and now home to various enterprises, having previously housed parts of the university such as the library, before it was given a dedicated building. It was built for the company of Anton Kustaa Attila, who seems to have died the year it opened (1915), which is unfortunate. It's a handsome building, rather typical of Tampere, which I pass each day on my way to the office.

I'm struggling this week with staring at a screen editing the files for my book, which have come back from the copy-editor. I spent a few hours on that, had a short meeting with the Dean, who seems a very interesting man, and also had lunch with some colleagues. Later on, Mr A and I took our bag-that-stays-here back to my office, and treated ourselves to dinner in Telakka. And a couple of pints. As it would be rude not to. But now I'm bushed, which is a bit much really given what time it is.

Home tomorrow.

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