Hazel flowers

The Man of Steel was at it from 8am on a cold damp morning. All day he chased the traces into the stone walls. Bloody heroic.

GL came to check on progress and L the plumber called by to confirm the chip-fired boiler we are going for and to measure up the boiler room. When I asked him if the 500l heat sump would fit into the little room he said, ‘It will have too.’

Later we went to a light factory and shop nearby. They make a huge range of lights from trad farmhouse to Milan chic.

It’s all coming together.

Meanwhile we ate the first Romanesco from the garden. Delicious. There was snow on Mt Falterona but it didn’t last. The Sombre Tits busy at the sunflower heads. Owls calling.

And the hazel flowers, harbingers of late winter and spring still a long way off.

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