The Eye of the Tiger

Violet went to her dance class this morning, I went to pick mum up from the train station and then we all went to pick Violet up from her class, and we drove to Knowsley Safari Park.  It was the perfect day with sunshine and blue skies, and there was an offer on of £20 per car which meant it was very busy and it took us nearly 2 hours to drive round the park.

We took a picnic with us which we ate as we drove round, and then we parked up and went to watch the Sea Lion show.  I mentioned to one of the assistants that it was Scarlett's birthday and they made an announcement at the start of the show to wish her a happy birthday along with a couple of other children.

Finally, we went to see the tigers, by which time it was close to 4pm and one of the tigers was pacing up and down bellowing, it was quite a noise!  I managed to get this shot through the fence as it was walking towards me, the light wasn't great though as the sun was starting to set so it's not very sharp but it's such a beautiful creature, it had to be my blip today.

Before we left we sat and had a hot chocolate to warm up, and then we dropped the girls off at home with Scott, while Rach and I took mum home. We picked up some pizzas on the way back and are now watching a horror movie called The Prodigy - it's rather good!

Hope you're having a good weekend, sorry I'm behind on comments, I'll catch up once I'm home.

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