I'm a fool.

That's official.

And you can agree with this if you wish - just not quite so readily if you please.

When I came to the Mac yesterday the little man behind the keys informed me that there was an upgrade available for iPhoto.

I'll have some of that I thought, having been told by those in the know that it is good to keep up to date with what is going on.

When it had finished doing what it had to however, I found that it has 'hidden' - and I use that word rather than 'Got rid of' rather hopefully, most of my 6000 photos stored in my albums!!!

All of my recent memories, all my blip originals, all of the stuff I use for work and all of the flagged photos which form part of my screensaver.

But there is a little bit inside of me - maybe more of the fool, I don't know - which says that they can't have been deleted but are just hidden from my view. They are still on my iPad, so all is not lost, but I am annoyed that this should have happened in the first place.

Mission for the weekend?


I'll see you all on the other side. Have a good one.

(The photo BTW, was taken on a short walk with the dogs in the afternoon, letting off steam!)

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