
By bananablip


I’m trying to be better at doing Sabbath. This has mostly meant putting my phone on airplane mode for the bulk of the day and not going on social media at all (blip isn’t social media, right?!). It’s been a refreshing break and I’ll try and keep up the habit.

Church was wonderful today and made all the better by a frosty but beautifully sunny walk there and back.

Went with Grace to North Shrewsbury to do a bit of DIY shopping then I headed out to catch the last of the day’s sunshine. I had to walk through about a mile of mud to get down to the river (literally clinging on to the fence at times) but it was worth it for the spectacular sight of the sun setting over the Severn. A muddy trek back and then to watch the sun turning the sky orange from the comfort of the house. Crisp, frosty, sunny winter days are the absolute best.

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