
By kettwigefrau

No excuse

I detest fur coats with a passion.

They're so warm.
They're so light.
It's second hand.

Are all excuses I've heard over the years, but especially since moving to Germany, where they love a bit of dead animal slung around their torso.

My friend Al didn't believe how popular they were, so when she visited we went and sat in a coffee shop window on the Königsallee in Düsseldorf and counted the number of coats that went past, we gave up at 100 & we were only taking a quick coffee stop.

It's maybe hypocritical of me to voice my disapproval so vehemently, having studied Zoology at Uni & dissected countless creatures, but that was justified as 'science' and 'education', a fur coat to me is just plain ugly, the fur looks so much better on the animal nature designed it for.

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