Moving Into The Unknown

By dvdlodi


Standing on the corner in Yamhill, Ore. While I have loved other Kristof/WuDunn books (especially Half the Sky), this new book, Tightrope, is resonating deeply with me. "With stark poignancy, Tightrope draws us deep into this 'other America,' and shows us that if America is to remain a superpower, it must empower all people" (Front flap of Tightrope). From my childhood in rural upstate New York to my professional life in (fairly) rural Oregon, this is my world.
And, one of the people profiled in the book is a homeless man that I've known for 5 years. Mike (Extra) lives on the streets of McMinnville. He was a childhood friend of Mr. Kristof and is someone I've come to call friend over the years as well.

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