
By Snowyjones

The eagles are coming!

Leila put this analogy in my head and now, forever mor, helicopters will always remind of Gandalf’s eagles on their way to rescue Sam and Frodo, and to be honest, it did feel a bit like being rescued from Siberia valley. I do apologise to those of you who are not familiar with Lord of the Rings but it’s hard to get away from thoughts of it here. The vertical scramble was not unlike the staircase to Shelob’s lair which is the one part of the films I can never watch (especially when Sam starts going down) so not the most helpful analogy to have going through my head.
Back to my training walk today for the last time as I return to Queenstown tomorrow for a couple more tramps. Bit sad to be leaving this beautiful town and the people I have got to know but it feels like time to be moving on and seeing new things. After dinner Miko and I decided to watch The Imitation Game which is such a sad film and seemed to lead to late night philosophical conversations, he’s the oldest person I have met for a while at the grand old age of 33.
Perhaps because of this, or perhaps because of my teenage roommates, arriving back a bit the worse for wear, or perhaps because of the heat, indeed probably the combination of all 3, sleep became a bit elusive. Headed outside for some cool air when all the lights were out and spent a while looking at the stars and recognising nothing, made me feel very far away.

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