One daze at a time...

By Raheny_Eye

Heading west

No trip to Nana's would be complete without a stop by the Shannon. It is after all the half-way point in a trip that takes approximately 5 hours (almost the equivalent of a transatlantic flight to Boston...)
Time to open the flask of tea, fight over who gets the ham and cheese sandwiches and who ends up with the egg and chives ones (lethal when they turn into fragrant methane gas, usually less than 20 miles after we get back on the road), fight over who gets the chocolate Penguins and who ends up with the soft Figrolls, fight over who gets the Chipsticks and who ends up with the salt and vinegar Taytos.
Then we try to dissuade Mimi from fighting with the crows for the Chipsticks she has scattered on the ground while running like a lunatic.
We throw a few more stones in the river, have a little run around the disused swimming pool (I have actually never known it to be in use. Ever) and it's then time to pile back into the car for more miles and frolics.

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