Be Back Soon

That’s what she says when she leaves me. “Alice, stay. I’ll be back soon.” The thing is, you never know when “soon” is. Sometimes, she just pops over to Grandma real quick, or gets the mail, even. Sometimes, like today, she is gone for hours. I usually sit on the sofa armrest so I can hear the car return. Problem is - she has SOLD the car! Now what? I can’t hear Grandma’s car all the way from her garage. Lucky Mumble decided to join me waiting.

We got an exciting email - plus, it was in the paper today. There is going to be a nation-wide contest to select five dogs that get to be on real stamps! Pretty cool! I’m going to enter! You send in a picture and a motivation. They do say you have to be special - like Zlatan (famous football player), Astrid Lindgren (famous author of children’s books) or Avicii (famous DJ). That’s what they say. I’m not sure I’m special enough, but I’ll do my best. I am a Blipdog after all. And a nosework dog. And a rock jumping dog. And...

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