
Been plagued with toothache since Saturday. Luckily dentist Roberto managed to fit me in. Cracked filling in a wisdom tooth - dente del giudizio - and something up with the one in front. Temporary fillings but still hurt like heck. Very wearing.

One of the Nigerian guys I’ve got to know a little bit welcomed me like a long lost brother. Very sad to see things are getting a lot tougher for Italy’s boat people as new laws force some asylum seekers out of jobs and homes. This is Matteo Salvini’s work. Big regional elections on 29th in the left stronghold of Emilia–Romagna could make pressure for new a national election unstoppable. Salvino and La Lega ahead in the polls.

After dentist I drove back up the road to our flat in Fiesole. Stopped to take a photo of the tiny Vecchia Fiesolana lane in brilliant cold windy sun.

Then out to the house. The guys are battling on. ‘We’re destroying your house’, they ruefully say as huge traces for the wiring are hacked out of the walls.

Later A popped in to place the new junction, switch and power point boxes (extra). It would be awful not to trust your builders at this stage of the game. We do. Absolutely.

A cold evening in the barn, my tooth hurting. Wine and The Line of Duty numbed me to it all.

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