The snow arrived and thankfully the game yesterday was called off. I had visions of us being able to play but then being stuck onthe M9 trying to get home. All football cancelled this weekend. That leaves my boy bouncing off walls.

He has been sledging today. I was a bit sad that there was no-one for me to go sledging with. My girl was a little sad that they had no snow - she is also missing her brother this term for some reason. How lovely is that.

I went for a long walk through the snow and met up with my favourite row of trees. I had also heard rumour that seed catalogues were in at the allotment so I ventured down there.

I was surprised to see how many people had been tramping about. When snow hits your netting on anything like a fruitcage, then you have to get it off before it brings the netting down. This does mean you stand under a big pile of snow and hit it with a stick till is falls all over you! I took a minute to ponder the seed catalogue on the bench before bringing it home to tuck beside my bed like some kind of porn.

I love the silence the snow offers, even the birds at the feeder didn't seem to be making much of a noise. It was perfectly calm and peaceful. I also got to try out last years snow boots purchase. They are superb. Toastie feet and no damp patches.

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