Ma Heid Hurts!

I wonder if Ma Heid Hurts because I was at the hairdressers today and a new, and enthusiastic apprentice attacked my head with what felt like clenched fists, whilst asking 'is this pressure ok' and 'is this water too hot?'. When she asked if I would like a head massage I thought it best to decline.

Perhaps Ma Heid Hurts because I had a small glass at lunch with a chum - only the one mind, but those lunchtime glasses hang around a bit I've noticed.

Or maybe Ma Heid Hurts because my girl has been nipping it something awful this week. Like a good mother I have been absorbing her angst, anger, hatred and any other negative emotion she wanted to hurl in my direction. Tonight, before my tourets got the better of me, we sat down to calmly discuss this.

She has just gone to bed, hopefully a bit happier with her little lot and I find myself reaching for the last of the Christmas Sherry.

Perhaps this is why these strong firm pillars attracted me, something to bash Ma Heid off or something which replicates the state of Ma Heid as a long hard never ending corridor.

I shall take my Sherry and a good book to bed now.

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