By lizzie_birkett

Bit o' this, Bit o' that!

We walked into Skipton this morning along the quagmire towpath. Bella ended up all muddy as did we. 
I went to 'Live Well' the vegan shop and stocked up on a few things we needed as well as a wee treat - vegan walnut whips.
Actually they're too sweet for me and I won't get them again!

Frank had to go with the Ukulele group to do a concert at Bentham WI. I was meant to be there too but I'm still gappy! Dentist tomorrow yay!

Anyway, I had a nice afternoon to myself. 
Played ukulele, read for a bit, did some more stitching and made a lentil shepherd's pie for tea.

Bella May has been happy sitting on deck with swans for company every now and then. They have a love hate relationship and try to show each other who's boss and really none of them are!

It was a good day ;-)

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