
By SmileyCharlie

Derelict Prague

I loved arriving in the Czech Republic today, a country I've never been to and was never really interested to go to until reading Milan Kundera's "The unbearable lightness of being" which takes place mostly in Prague. Like every book I read these days, it was recommended by Rory who has a long reading commute that I am actually quite jealous of. 

Having gone to bed at 3am and waking up to take the train at 6.44am, I wasn't on my best form for the journey. I mindlessly followed a confident woman I presumed was Czech because we failed at conversation, but then turned out to be Bosnian and clueless when we both got off in Regensburg instead of Landshut to change trains. Even worse, there was the most toxic stag do in one of the booths near my carriage. At some point a man with a penis on his head and his friends entered my otherwise private booth to try to sell me something. Fortunately my old job as a waitress equipped me with good enough German to tell them where to go, and they left. 

Quite the morning, but at 12.17 I arrived in Prague! I had a mediocre coffee for 40 cents. One of my favourite things has been the beautiful patchwork pavements everywhere. The architecture is just brilliant. I've been walking solidly for about 4.5 hours from church to bridge to church and I'm really knackered. I've ended up in a very cosy cafe and think I'll go to the airport from here. 

Looking forward to a nice nap on the plane and then going out to a world music night in Manchester with Rory, Bridget and Jay.

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