All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The ipad generation

Ethan had his weekly gymnastics class this morning. I'm thinking of moving him to the next level of class because although he has been joining in pretty well at the class recently, I suspect he may end up doing better without me in the class. I asked him if he wants to go to the next class without me and he said yes, so just need to decide when to take the plunge!

Apart from that we didn't do much today. We finally got some snow although by the time I took him out on the sledge this afternoon it was melting and I had to keep getting him to walk over bits of the pavement and when crossing roads as there wasn't enough snow to pull the sledge over. He still enjoyed it though!

He didn't have a nap again today which is great come bedtime as he goes to sleep quickly but it also means from about 3.30pm - 7pm is pretty tough going as he's so tired and grumpy! At least letting him play on the ipad kept him going for a while though.

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