All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Black, white with a splash of colour kinda day

I had to take Ethan to see the Health Visitor today for his 2 year check up. After getting him to put shapes in puzzles, build towers of bricks and draw a picture (all too easy), she then got him to tell her what pictures were of in a book. Considering she is a stranger to him and he was speaking pretty quietly because he went "all shy", I thought he did pretty well. But she wants to see him again in 3 months time as she says she only knew what he was saying with some of the words because she could see the picture. She also commented on the fact he misses the first letter off some of the words ... I didn't think that was unusual for a just turned 2 year old!

Then a quick wander round The Centre before swimming. However swimming was a complete disaster. He refused to co-operate at all and had a complete tantrum in the changing room afterwards. He was blatently knackerd, so I popped him in the pushchair and went for another wander round The Centre. He fell asleep quickly, so I bought a magazine headed to Costa, found a nice squishy leather sofa to claim for us and sat down to enjoy a hot chocolate and sarnie.

He only slept for 40 minutes and we then headed home again. By now he had cheered up a lot and happily played with lots of his toys while I tidied up a bit.

Granny & Grandpa then arrived to look after him while I went to the hospital for a physio appointment as I've been having a few back problems. She told me one of my hips is higher than the other and that when I lean forward I actually lean to the side a bit, probably caused by carrying Ethan on my hip so often! Nothing obviously wrong though so just got to be extra careful when carrying him and doing day to day tasks which involve lifting etc.

8.30pm and he's not in bed yet which is WAY later than normal. Wonder if that means Granny & Grandpa will benefit from a lie in tomorrow!

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