lrjlo - Suburban Explorer

By lrjlo

A busy thoroughfare

I noticed this morning that although no one's been out in our back garden since the snow fell yesterday, there's several lines of footprints. I'm pretty sure it's the foxes. I see them wandering across the garden and then under and over fences into other people's gardens quite a lot but in the snow there is a visual reminder of how many times they cross the garden. For a while we were puzzled by the appearance and subsequent movements of a bright pink dog toy around our lawn but I'm almost certain it's the foxes.

I went out this morning and the local town centre was actually quite busy. The pavements on the side streets were largely covered in compacted snow like a poorly maintained ice rink and walking was slow and tiring even with my boots and waterproofs. I got home, cleaned the kitchen so that it was hygienic enough to prepare food in then watched some tv and later retired to bed to read. At some point i seem to have lost part of a tooth filling which is not great. Knowing it's forecast to snow tomorrow and not wanting to be stranded somewhere else I don't think I'll do much tomorrow either. I'm not sure if I'm hibernating because of the snow or using the snow as an excuse to do what I wanted to so already.

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