Well, a low-intensity version at least as I tried to make a bad photo bearable to the eyes. A mixed greyish cool with a bit of sun but not inspiring and the very late afternoon walk only gave the opportunity to photograph a couple of private jets doing landing practice at Memmingen airport including one with the Reg SP-MRD which I thought may have belonged to some Madrid billionaire footballer but turns out to be a Spanish registered 8-seater twin-engined jet now sold to someone in Poland and looks like it spends much of its time flying from Berlin.
Instead, you get the slow regional train on the Munich to Zurich line that caught me unprepared and didn't disturb Luna who was digging a tunnel. Lots of Twitter activity today about UK's high speed HS2 project including the high costs of tunnels in the UK. Still running diesels on the line so it looks like they haven't yet completed the electrification further down the track.
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