POG's Journal


The missing book…

My Day:
Hi Everyone,
Woke reasonably early and watched an old documentary on Vicky Pendleton then got busy. A bit of training on the bike, then got cleaned up and had some lunch and prepared dinner.

Worked hard on my hydration today as being away for the weekend it was easy to fall out of my normal routine.

I started to prepare the coaching session I have to deliver in a few weeks, not much progress really but have downloaded all the relevant documents, named them appropriately and filled in the basic info. I guess I’ll do more tomorrow.
The Bike:
Jumped on the turbos this morning to try and loosen up the hip, 10 hours in the car over the previous 2 days did not help much and everything was very tight again.
At about 17:00 I was wondering what to do so I had another go on the turbos and did 30 relatively fast minutes… I’m sure I’ll pay for it tomorrow.
The Photo:
The missing book for the next coaching training arrived this morning. I have a couple of weeks to read and absorb the information.
More tomorrow.


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