Take away
London.... I think that is the last of my London meetings for a while, possibly one in March, but after that, we’ll over a year, if ever. Judging by this evening, I won’t miss it - with a particularly pedantic trustee getting a little hot under the collar about all kinds of things, and then the delight of delayed trains.
All that said, I will miss it, very much. I have huge respect for the vast majority of the people I have worked with, the time they give, the knowledge and care they have is to be applauded.
In other news, it was interview day for my replacement, I think I’m still in denial about leaving my job, although am really looking forward to the new one. I think the complexity of the move is making it all very hard. Have now been told twice this week by relatively polite people that I’m looking tired. Once we move, it’s operation early night (many times over!!)
Of the two candidates for my job that I met, far preferred one to the other... although I have no actual say in it all
Dinner on the train, hence the blip.
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