
Bux brought in this full box of cereal to see if the kids would like it (they’d bought it in error and needed someone to eat it). I had every intention of bringing it home for said kids but then I had a major day-long snaccident and now I look about 8 months gone (I’m no months gone, just in case that comment prompts alarm).


1. Productivity at work - it makes me feel better when stuff gets done;
2. Getting home in time to see the kids swim - Isaac is crazy confident and it was fun to watch him jumping in and climbing out repeatedly with Zeke;
3. A disagreement with Eve which led to lessons learnt and warm hearts. She has such a stubborn streak but managed to overcome it and actually talk a bit about how her heart felt scared. And I have such a rageful streak but managed to cool it for long enough to think and realise that the wrongdoings of a 7 year old are more of an opportunity than a problem. Zeke said “you two are weird and I want my bedtime story.” Fair point.

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