The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Early Birthday Present

No, not the dirt...the Dyson! My first Dyson and now I wonder why we didn't buy one before...apart from the huge expense...thanks Mum and Dad! I hoovered the house this morning with the old hoover and it clearly wasn't picking much up. When we got back from coffee with Debs I hoovered with the Dyson and this came up...eek! I feel like a dirty scrubber now! So the house feels a little better and I've even done some dusting too. Crikey, I'll start enjoying cleaning soon over my dead body!

This afternoon has been a bit of reading, work, photography readings and I'm about to start a presentation for school. It's been lazy and most enjoyable! Now FaceTime doesn't seem to be able to connect to you which is massively frustrating. I need to go and walk the dogs before the daylight fades. Hope I can catch you before you go to bed.

Another week begins...only four until half term!x

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