The rest of forever...

By DrMac

The White Stuff

Lots fell overnight. In fact, when we went out early this morning the moon was bright and the snow was about six inches deep and still falling. Our walk was glorious and we stayed out for much longer than normal - I was hoping that school would be shut!

As I wasn't sure of the plans, I decided to exercise at home this morning. It wasn't overly successful, I don't have machines and equipment to do some of the exercises, but I improvised and got them done anyway. I ate my omelette and waited for the message to tell me if school was open or closed.

It was open. I didn't find out until 7am and so by the time I had got the car ready to leave and driven the normally 25 minute journey to work, it was 8.50am. School had begun - I rocked up in the car park in my muppets PJ bottoms, coat, gloves and hat. What a Dilbert.

School was school. We only had less than half our students in the building but all the staff made it in safe and sound. The snow stopped falling and normal service resumed...much snowball throwing at lunchtime! I had a massage after work and got home by about half five. Mum and Dad couldn't get back to Essex so spent the day here...sewing, reading, Dad clearing the path and knackering Pippa out in the garden. I came home to tired puppies who have clearly loved having their grandparents here for the extra day. And it was so nice to have their company for an extra evening too.

Now to bed. I really feel shattered, no idea why.
I can't find your letter in The Times - do you know which day it was published?

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