Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Anna and Ash

This image is for my blip buddy Wildwood in California.  I would love her to show this photo to her crafty friends who worked so hard to make pouches for our injured wildlife and I believe a box of the pouches are already winging their way to Australia.  Ash is no more than 6 inches in length and hardly has any hair on his body.  He is being cared for by my Wombat Warrior friend, Anna Culliton.

It was a very poignant day today.  I went down to the Memorial Service that was being held for Anna’s parents who died within 11 days of each other just after Christmas.  They had both been very unwell but it was still a shock to their family to lose both of them within such a short time frame.  It was a really wonderful service, full of great stories, lots of laugh and some wonderful singing and music by the family band.  I was so happy I could be there to share in such a heartfelt celebration of two incredible human beings.

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked across the crowded area just as the service was coming to an end.  There was Anna with the tiniest little wombat in a pouch and she was giving it a bottle.  Just goes to show, these wonderful wildlife carers are never off duty.  This is one of the reasons I have been encouraging my friends and family to support local people like Anna who work tirelessly to care for these very vulnerable creatures.

So you can tell your wonderful friends Wildwood that this is one of my friends who will welcome your pouches with open arms and I’ll make sure there’s a photo posted when we deliver the pouches to my friends when they arrive.

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