Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat


I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked out the window and saw this very handsome Gang Gang sitting on top of the Ispogon bush chewing on one of the cones.  Obviously after the seed I would say.  I have taken many images of the Gang Gangs on the water bowls but this was an opportunity to good to miss.  I had a chance to sneak outside to take this shot and I think the little character could hear the sound of my camera as I took the shot with rapid fire feature on.  I can almost see him thinking in this shot - “Is that the wombat again trying to get me on my best side”.

It’s raining again tonight and it’s such a nice sound to hear as I head off to bed.  Quite a relief really after four really scorching days temperature wise.

It’s our first photo group for the year tomorrow, it will be good to catch up with everyone again.

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