River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: Witchhazel Flowers ...

... Jersey Walkingstick Kale making flower buds and Camellia flower. All photos taken in the garden this afternoon because I went to the Table Top Sale and did so much talking that I forgot to take any photos, doh ... :-(((
Was up again at 6am, had to drag myself out of bed and drive to Beaumaris by 7:30am. Before getting into the car, stopped in my tracks as I heard the owls hooting, it was very dark and they were obviously making the most of their hunting time!
Chatted with my friends Irene and Mark who were on the next tables to me.
Then a steady day of more chatting as friends and new customers came and went. My brother and his wife called by too and we had a good natter!
Not a lot of customers but sold lots of books, every little helps!
Exhausted by this evening. MrD had driven down to Cardiff yesterday to meet up with the 3 young men and they all enjoyed the rugby match together. MrD came back today and treated us to fish & chips for tea, diolch / thank you!
Goodnight all / Nos da pawb xx

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