
By eunique

Psalm 23

Psalm 23

"The Lord is my Shepherd, there is nothing I shall want"

I was reading online news articles on the Virginia Tech Massacre, and was saddened by the senseless killings that happened just 3 days ago. Many questions were asked in grief, but few were answered. There are several social issues to be addressed, yet one particularly slapped me right in the face.


The debate surrounding the gun laws in the U.S. has surfaced yet again. While some strongly advocate on the banning of guns, others say it's bullshit to do that because it's as good as taking away every citizen's "right" and "freedom" to own one. Plus, the latter group adds, if the perpetrator wanted to wield violence and mayhem, he could easily use a knife or a bat to do so.

Don't they stop to realise that a semi-automatic can cause so much more bloodshed in a short span of time than a knife/bat-wielding man can? Can't they see that there is much more possibility to apprehend a person who holds a bat rather than a gun?

Apparently, they even have a law which justifies ownership of guns, for "self-defence", citing the number of crimes that were stopped just by brandishing a gun to the would-be thief/assilant. "More guns would have saved lives by enabling students to shoot the assailant" screamed an article.

What the..?

I was even the more taken aback when I came across this news headline "Schools need to teach students to be aggressive" , where it was mentioned that "American schools must teach their students to respond aggressively to attacks by people bent on mayhem."

Excuse me? Is their 'moral' to counter violence with more violence? They say that students have "to be prepared" and be active, quick-thinking in such situations, and not reacting passively. When pro-gun activits talk about freedom.. what freedom? Students can't be just carefree students anymore. In the first place, schools should be a safe place, and students should not be living in constant fear as they attend lectures in their classrooms.

It is just not right.

They can have as many regulations as they like, restricting the age, the type of guns to be used, the number of rounds it can fire simultaneously, etc. But loopholes are all around. By allowing guns to be legal, they have seemingly opened the Pandora's Box.

"Darkness cannot drive out darkness,
only Light can do that;
Hatred cannot drive out hatred,
only Love can do that"

--Martin Luther King Jr.

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