Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Please Keep Off the Grass.

Great day. No more snow but still enough around for the kids to play with.

After lunch we headed for a local Golf Club. There's a lot of building work going on for the new Clubhouse, and we had to 'ignore' (ahem) - the 'No Sledging' signs, but going by the number of adult and children playing on the slopes - everyone else had ignored them too.

Was told by a member (who was on Piste!) that a blind eye was turned to the sledgers providing you didn't go near the new greens.

Great afternoon. Met up with some friends of No 3, and No 2 'chilled' with some school friends too.

Back at C's house for coffee and birthday cake.

10/10 day all round.

Got to tackle the ironing mountain now, and all the Sunday night paperwork (boo hoo).

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