Views of my world

By rosamund


Had a lovely afternoon at West Kilbride with the gals from the Clyde Coast Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers. Spent the whole afternoon spinning the fluffy batts I made on Ange's drum carder and can't wait to ply them up with some cotton.

Gwen asked me what I do with all my homespun yarn and here's the answer. They all sit together and look pretty in the basket until they're needed for knitting and weaving. I have a project in mind for some of the green & lilac skeins and hope to start on it soon. We are having a knit along in February for a shawl that uses homespun so I'll need to decide which colours are going into that.

It's so relaxing just sitting spinning and chatting away with everyone. I always come away feeling inspired and motivated to make time for all my crafts and I hope I can keep it up amidst the pressures of work. A busy week ahead!

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